Public speaking skills for unforgettable storytelling.

Our highly practical methodology for public speaking has been road-tested in high-stakes rooms for over two decades.

“Easy for you to say… you seem to be enjoying this torture"

“Wobbly knees, wet hands, all the feels”

“I’m talking so fast I can’t keep up with myself”

“Can the audience tell that I’m shaking?"

“I would rather eat dirt than get on that stage”

“Hearing my voice on the radio makes me want to stop speaking all together”

“Easy for you to say… you seem to be enjoying this torture"

“Wobbly knees, wet hands, all the feels”

“I’m talking so fast I can’t keep up with myself”

“Can the audience tell that I’m shaking"

“I would rather eat dirt than get on that stage”

“Hearing my voice on the radio makes me want to stop speaking all together”

“Easy for you to say… you seem to be enjoying this torture"

“Wobbly knees, wet hands, all the feels”

“I’m talking so fast I can’t keep up with myself”

“Can the audience tell that I’m shaking"

“I would rather eat dirt than get on that stage”

“Hearing my voice on the radio makes me want to stop speaking all together”

As featured in

Rare as hen's teeth.

Getting decision-makers in a room is difficult and often takes months to organise. Gatekeepers can be tricky, people are usually busy, and let’s face it, most people don’t think they want what you’re 'selling'.

So, when you do finally get the right people in the right room, don’t waste a second!

Winning the Room exists to help you truly connect with your audience in an unforgettable way.

Pitching is a core part of what we do at UBS and we're always looking for new ways to increase our edge over the competition. Jonathan's unique approach is highly insightful, original and practical, delivered in a way that is instantly applicable. His take on storytelling continues to shape how we pitch on a daily basis. We've done lots of training courses over the years but JP and Winning the Room remain a real stand out.
Guy Fowler OAM
Former Chairman, UBS Australia
When you start playing professional sport, we don’t often think about public speaking and what it entails. All I could think of when I read this book was: Not only will this book help me, but it would be of great benefit to my young adult children, too.
Pat Rafter
Former world No. 1 tennis player,
Over many years I have marvelled at JP’s ability to consistently Win the Room, so I am excited that he has finally decided to share his secrets with us! As someone who works with world-leading artists, I know the importance of engaging, entertaining, and energising an audience.
Dan Rosen
President, Australasia, Warner Music Group
As someone who did not start learning English until age 16, it was a long and arduous journey for me to become comfortable speaking in a public forum. JP has helped me overcome my insecurities and consistently ‘win the room’. This book addresses the art of pitching in a practical, insightful and interesting way. I wish it had been on my beside table much earlier in my career.
Jun Bei Liu
Portfolio Manager, Tribeca Investment Partners
What a clever guy! This is the 3rd time Jonathan has hosted our annual AHL conference. He really owns the room from the start and his large-scale workshop techniques are amazing. This year he conducted a giant brainstorm session with our entire company of 250 people at once! I’ve been to a lot of conferences over the years and I’ve never seen anything quite like it before. It was a big task but amazingly JP was able to lead the group and spend individual time with almost everyone. What I found most impressive was JP’s ability to bring our creative ideas back to tangible commercial outcomes. Really impressive stuff.
Chris McGlinn
Director of Marketing and Entertainment, EVT
As the guy who managed the numbers, I saw firsthand how the investment we put into Winning The Room paid off quickly. But we weren't just rewarded with the measurable outcomes such as winning business, but the intangible ones too; with a real confidence lift and buzz in the team members who weren't often asked to present in their day-to-day roles. JP created a new baseline across the agency for what it means to present and sell ideas.
Tim Sexton
Operations Director, AKQA
“Bloody great session, albeit 25 years later than I would have liked or needed. Thanks just the same.”
Rob Tanti
Chief People Officer, Opal
“Jonathan empowers his participants to craft compelling narratives that resonate. Moreover, his engaging coaching style makes the learning process both enjoyable and impactful. For anyone looking to elevate their communication game and win over any room, Jonathan Pease's workshop is an investment that will pay off in the long run.”
Leigh Terry
CEO, IPG Mediabrands APAC
I really enjoyed the Winning The Room training and methodology. It helps you shift your perspective from being an expert in an area, to being a room leader and making sure all the participants engage and buy into your projects. JP supported us via a hybrid method of theorical in-class training and coaching for a specific presentation.
Francesca Galibert Proglio
Marketing Manager, Chanel
The course has been incredibly beneficial to me. I have been able to apply the content I learned almost daily, and it has had a significant impact on my personal brand. Your insights and teachings have given me the tools and confidence to take my brand to the next level.
Dave Doyle
Creative Director, Dashing Group
Raw, funny and hugely practical - JP shares insights and secrets from decades of helping an incredible range of people tell their story with confidence and style. Now you can too.
Adam Spencer
Australian comedian, media personality, and prolific author,
I thought the programme and JP were BRILLIANT. Utterly fantastic.
Katie MacKay
Managing Director, Teneo
Tremendous thanks to Jonathan Pease for an outstanding pitch workshop. My Sydney Uni students not only learned key guidelines and tips for developing an effective pitch, but also could see great presenting in action when Jonathan spoke. The pitches to Linkedin were far better due to Jonathan's help.
Donnel Briley
Professor of Marketing, Sydney University
Jonathan is an exceptional talent. His clarity of thought and ability to decipher and translate the essence of our company’s story into a compelling and impactful presentation is world class. Working with Jonathan we were able to present our company in a way that elevated our message above the noise and secure a multi-million dollar investment round in an exceptionally difficult investment market. I have no hesitation in recommending Jonathan and the Winning The Room team if you seek to have impact with your most important stakeholders.
Andrew Maxwell
Chariman, Cyban
Unreal… Your passion and credibility is so authentic - thank you for sharing your expertise.
Ariane Virtue
Partner, Family Friendly Workplaces, Flex We Are
It’s common knowledge that presenting with conviction is important. After doing countless pitches alongside JP, I learnt how presenting with conviction AND warmth is what’s powerful, and leaves the audience liking, trusting and buying into you and your story.
Hugh Munro
Chief Strategy Officer, The Monkeys
When approaching my first pay rise, JP mentored me through the negotiation and helped me develop a business case (my first ever). I was able to go into that negotiation feeling confident and capable, rather than an imposter and undeserving which is the experience of many women of colour. And it worked - I snagged a 25% pay rise in one hit. It’s a framework I’ve passed on to other women, and I still use personally when negotiating. Working with JP taught me the power of active allyship and advocacy. The experience left a lasting impact on my career.
Lauren Chibert
DEI and Partnerships Director, D&AD Shift
I was applying for a new role and as part of that process I had to respond to a brief. This included pitching creative ideas and demonstrating the strategy behind them. JP worked with me by applying his Winning the Room framework directly to my content. He also talked me through builds on how to improve what I already had. With his feedback under my belt, I went into the meeting feeling really confident, and I’m pleased to say, I got the job! Not only does JP provide top quality consulting and mentorship, he genuinely cares and wants everyone to succeed – which makes all the difference. I can’t recommend him and his method highly enough.
Lily Lambert
Client Manager, Essence Mediacomm
Even your best ideas are unlikely to happen until you get others to believe in them, and invest their time and money. In this personal book, Jonathan Pease offers up a brilliant way to plan, prepare and present your ideas to the world.
Matthew Grounds AM
Director, Hearts and Minds Investments
As someone who has never struggled with public speaking, or modesty for that matter, Winning the Room reveals many of the strategies and formulas used by comedians like me, and other confident public speakers. Like in stand-up comedy, win the room and you’ll win the day.
Merrick Watts
Australian comedian and media personality,
Pitching concepts for television is all about Winning the Room and I’ve seen firsthand how Jonathan uses the valuable tools carefully curated in this book to do exactly that. No matter if you’re a seasoned pitcher wanting to hone your skills or you are working towards your very first presentation, Winning the Room is the must read handbook.
Micah Hewson
Head of Development, ITV Studios Australia
Our International Equities business operates in an incredibly competitive environment. When we speak to audiences, we need to immediately win their trust, and ultimately win their investment. From the first time JP told me to ‘just do ‘you’’, I’ve learnt to appreciate his unique insights into storytelling that help make our presentations memorable, authentic and successful, often resonating with our clients for years after. What's more, they have also become enjoyable to deliver!
Nick Griffin
Founding Partner, Chief Investment Officer, Munro Partners
JP worked with the Executive team at Bendigo and Adelaide bank to deliver a bespoke Winning the Room program. The session was practical, engaging and provided tips and strategies that we could adopt immediately. The one-on-one sessions were valuable to offer in the moment feedback relevant for the material we were preparing. His unique approach was refreshing and adaptable across various audiences and channels of delivery
Marnie Baker
CEO, Bendigo and Adelaide Bank
The bar is set high for external training. Expectations of the department are that it has to be ‘worth the time’ out of their day given the intensity of client service responsibilities at Australia’s leading agency. JP exceeded our expectations completely. His lived experience through his own advertising career enriched the session with real examples and practical takeaways. His sharp EQ quickly could identify who was lacking confidence and provided gentle encouragement. Since our session, I’ve seen a growth in capability and application of the learnings. The training appealed to all levels of experience and also provided a valued forum to share and grow together.
Belinda Drew
Head of Business Management, The Monkeys
JP’s advice and guidance was instrumental in my Sohn Hearts & Minds conference pitch. He quickly understood the key messages I wanted to convey and helped shape them into an exciting narrative. Thank you JP!
Sharif el Khazen
Founder and CIO, Metronome Capital LLP
At universities, we can't just tell students that pitching skills are important - we have to provide skill development opportunities like Jonathan's workshop.
Donnel Briley
Professor of Marketing, Sydney University

Let’s win together.

Along with our full day format, we design bespoke half day workshops and 90-minute intensive sessions.

Book a Workshop

Our signature program is designed to drive higher performance across a wide variety of presentation styles. We also offer storytelling training, live pitch consulting, and one-on-one coaching for select executives.

Designed for public speakers who need to influence larger audiences. Includes building instant rapport, managing audience interaction effectively, and using nerves to your advantage.

Designed for high-performance sales teams who need to build chemistry and trust with their prospects. Includes structuring the pitch, building credibility, and the best ways to ‘ask for the money’.

Designed for facilitators who need to bring to life their ideas and drive emotional outcomes. Includes mastering the ‘Windy Road’ method, building powerful narrative arcs, and ‘landing the moral’.

Designed for teams who need to increase energy and connection through a camera. Includes using grid view to encourage interaction, engagement through the camera, and ‘reading the virtual room’ effectively.

Winning the Room
Winning the Keynote
Winning the Keynote
Winning the Pitch
Winning the Story
Winning the Virtual Room

Read all about it.

Get nervous before your presentations? Find yourself rambling or resorting to reading your notes? Wish you could get more people to say yes to your ideas?
Shock horror... JP has written a book for you!

“Raw, funny, and hugely practical.” - Adam Spencer,
comedian, media personality, and prolific author

“I wish I had this book on my bedside much earlier in my career.” - Jun Bei Liu, portfolio manager, Tribeca
Investment Partners

“All I could think of when I read this book was: Not only will this book help me, but it would be of great benefit to my young adult children, too.” - Pat Rafter, former world No. 1 tennis player

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